Kashiwa campus
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8563
Frontier Sciences, Environmental Studies Building
- From kashiwa-no-ha-campus Station on TSUKUBA EXPRESS Line, take Tobu-Bus for Todai-mae (about 13 min.) or go by foot (about 25 min.)
- From #2 Bus Station at West Exit of JR Kashiwa Station, take Tobu-Bus for National Cancer Center (KOKURITSU GAN CENTER). (about 25 min. plus 5 min. walk)
- From Edogawa-dai Station on Tobu Noda Line, take a taxi (about 5 min.) or go by foot (about 30 min.)
Kashiwa campus access map

Hongo campus
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656
Faculty of Engineering Building 2, Room #315
- From Hongo-sanchome Station (Subway Marunouchi Line and Oedo Line), go by foot (about 15 min.)
- From Todaimae Station (Subway Namboku Line), go by foot (about 7 min.)
- From Nezu Station (Subway Chiyoda Line), go by foot (about 10 min.)
Hongo campus access map