- マイクロスケールチャンネルにおける超臨界流体の流れ、伝熱特性の解明.
- 排熱回収発電サイクル用超臨界冷媒の伝熱特性の研究.
- 排熱回収発電サイクルのサイクル特性の研究.
- 遷臨界CO2ヒートポンプのサイクル特性の研究.
超臨界流体物性温度依存性 |
乱流(上)及び層流(下)状態における伝熱特性 |
オイルを混入した超臨界流体の数値解析 |
| Shijie Zhang, Xiaoxiao Xu, Chao Liu, Yadong Zhang, Chaobin Dang, The buoyancy force and flow acceleration effects of supercritical CO2 on the turbulent heat transfer characteristics in heated vertical helically coiled tube,
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Xinxin Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Chao Liu, Wanjin Bai, Chaobin Dang, Experimental investigation of heat transfer of supercritical CO2 cooled in helically coiled tubes based on exergy analysis, International Journal of Refrigeration, 89, 177-185 (2018)
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Xinxin Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Chao Liu, Wanjin Bai, Chaobin Dang,Heat transfer deterioration in helically coiled heat exchangers of supercritical CO2 Rankine cycles,
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Kaizheng Wang, Xiaoxiao Xu, Xinxin Liu, Chao Liu, Chaobin Dang," Experimental and numerical investigation on heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 in the cooled helically coiled tube",International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108,1645-1655,(2017) [doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.01.004]; |
Xinxin Liu, Xiaoxiao Xu, Chao Liu, Jian Ye, Hongrui Li, Wanjin Bai, Chaobin DANG, " Numerical study of the effect of buoyancy force and centrifugal force on heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 in helically coiled tube at various inclination angles",Applied Thermal Engineering, 116,500-515,(2017)
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Xiaoxiao Xu, Yangyang Wu, Chao Liu, Kaizheng Wang, Chaobin Dang, Wanjin Bai, " Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 cooled in horizontal helically coiled tube ",International Journal of Refrigeration, In press (2016) [doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.03.010] |
Kaizheng Wang, Xiao Xiao Xu,Yangyang Wu, Chao Liu, Chaobin Dang, " Numerical investigation on heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in heated helically coiled tubes";Journal of Supercritical Fluids ; 99, 112-120 (2015) [doi:10.1016/j.supflu.2015.02.001] |
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